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Aiman Khan - Senior Administrator
E-commerce Manager
Cell Phone - 213 432 1887

Aiman is charged with overseeing the E-commerce unit. She is brilliant and hardworking.
She is responsible for refining and expanding the content of the EarthStoneRock.com website. A very well educated young lady who hails from South Africa and Pakistan. Aiman is very skilled in website development, designing and content editing. She and her team are constantly busy on improving your shopping experience on our websites.

In the fall of 2018 Aiman began attending Halmstad University in Sweden to earn her Master's in Computer Science, still while running our I.T. operations from there. Even is the educational system struggled through the Covid-19 crises she was able complete her thesis and earn her Master's in Computer Science in the summer of 2021.
Mailing - No physical inventory here
4408 Vahan Court
Lancaster CA 93536

Senior Administrator Aiman Khan